Tuesday 26 March 2019

O' Womania

Image result for fairytales
Why did Cinderella, sleeping beauty, Rapunzel  or Snow White have to wait for the prince charming to come and rescue them. Gone are the days when a princess had to wait for her prince charming. The princess of today is free and independent. Her life does not depend on anyone. She is capable enough of leading a life on her own terms. 

There was a time when marriage was the ultimate goal of a woman's life. That was the main reason why many women were unhappy because they were looking forward to a prefect ending to their life. If marriage is considered as just another milestone in life, things would be less complicated for both men and women. Quite like many wrong decisions, marriage can also be a wrong decision and women should have an option to walk out. It is not possible for the prince perfect to be matched with every princess. Some princes-princess match are not like fairy tales which have a happy ending. If we just accept this fact and move on, life will be easier. Let finding the prince perfect not be the ultimate goal of life.

Related imageModern women are no more the frail princess who wait and want someone to fall in love with them. The princess of modern world should now fall in love with themselves. Let Rapunzel of the modern world open their long hair for not letting the prince in but for their own good reasons. Let Cinderellas not run away from the palace leaving a glass slipper behind. Let her show her real self to the prince without botheration. The prince's approval is no more needed, she has a right to lead a happy and carefree life.

Image result for sitaLet Sita not wait for Ram for years because Ram will anyways keep loosing her all the time. Oh dear Sita - free yourself from the clutches of Ravan, leave the Ashok Vatika on your own. 

Do not wait for Ram to come and rescue you. It is not worth the wait.

1 comment:

  1. Great thought. Very inspiring. Education has enlightened women and has made them more powerful.
