Tuesday 2 July 2013

Does God exist ?

Does GOD exist ? This question is often asked by many. There are many who have gone in search of an answer to this question. Some have found the answer and some have not. The recent calamity that struck Uttarakhand has left many asking  the same question. Pilgrims go to a holy place in search of GOD and what do we get in return ? Is God there?

God is not a physical entity like most of us imagine. God does not have a separate abode in the sky and does not control our day to day life. Then what is God and where is HE ?

Before we answer this question, we need to understand how were we born ?
Did God give birth to us ? My answer is no - we all are a result of a chemical reaction. 
Did God make this earth ? My answer is again NO - This entire creation is also a matter of chance.

Then where is GOD. Well, God is nothing but the natural forces around us. Hindu mythology has given a name and shape to these natural forces and associated stories with each one of them for easy understanding. Varun dev, Surya dev, Chandra dev, Bhumi devi, Van devi, Kaam dev etc. Quite like we tell bed time stories to our children and attach a moral in the end, so did olden sages and priests. They knew that the natural forces are GOD, but for easy understanding they gave a shape and a story to each GOD. Some stories of  Lord Ram or Lord Krishna came from powerful rulers of history, who seemed GOD like because of their will power , determination and amazing people management skills. 

Who is Shiva ? HE is nothing but a representation of the enraged forces of nature. If we exploit our natural resources, sooner or later the balance will be lost and natural forces will loose control and bring in destruction. This is nothing but 'Tandav' of Shiva. 
There may be different ways to look at this simple phenomenon of nature. But fact remains that GOD is nothing but natural forces around us. Humans have since long forgotten the real meaning and moral of all mythological stories and separated GOD from natural forces around us and hence the destruction. The day is not far when our descendants will not have much left for them. Its high time, we understand the real meaning of GOD and explain the concept to our generations to come. Respect the fact that humans came into existence because of nature around us and not because of an imaginary GOD who controls the world. He is not in temples but omnipresent because HE represents the nature around us.


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